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A member registered Jun 28, 2021

Recent community posts

What time will the new update be released?

The last game progress update was on February 7th at 8 pm

The creator must have forgotten the platform and focused more on Patreon

Me too.

The last update was on February 7th at 8PM

The game on Patreon hasn't posted the new update yet

The new update hasn´t yet been posted on Patreon

Ok. Thanks

Will the game have futa monsters?

When will the next update be released? 

Cece's scenes appear with her bald head and her eyes totally white for PC

The limit number it´s this--number value from "0 to 99998"

How do I do this?

I can no longer interact with Cece to increase my relationship.

Does anyone know if they have already started working on the new update?

Harpy man and woman

Could you put a sex scene between Katlyn and the dog girl Here

How do I complete the Heros Amulet Quest?

I have no idea.

Me too


No news yet about the game

Me too

See you guys in 2024 when we release the next update

When will you release the update?

blue head

There's no way, you always need to have a reserve.

(1 edit)

Breeding Season: Alpha / Alpha Build 6.6.1-7.3

WTF, bald elf woman

I can´t wait anymore

exactly breeding

six months waiting

probably. It is taking a long time to post the update.

Pig man and pig woman

Bear woman and bear man